2014年5月31日 星期六

Cherry Jobs information in SA櫻桃工作資訊




Cherry Jobs information in TAS櫻桃工作資訊


Topqual (除了Cherry還有其他水果)




J.W Kirkwood pty Ltd(這間是歐洲朋友做過,非常好賺)

地址:133 Brown Mountain Road, Campania , Tasmania

ph. 036260 4463  e-mail: rednight@bigpond.comau







Tas Valley Orchards 

Phone: 03 6295 1922
Email: tvo@bigpond.net.au
Appointment Email: tasvalley@bigpond.com 




reidfruits (據說是在TAS最大間的Cherry公司)


Cherry Jobs information in NSW櫻桃工作資訊


Hallmarkorchards 這家已經開放申請囉!!有picker.packer!! 快申請吧




cherry more & chrrey ex


2014年5月29日 星期四

Harvest - Mango Packer/picker Darwin Salary: $20.47 hour!!

ob details

Harvest  - Mango Packer/picker Darwin



Mango Packers - Expression Of Interests are now open for Darwin's Mango Season - Shed Packers Looking for Farm work to complete your second year? Express your Interest with Jobfind National harvest Labour a farming background and own transport will be an advantage and some farms provide accommodation for a subsidised cost The Top End weather is very HOT and dry so you need to be prepared to work out in the heat. All applicants are required to complete an online Rural Safety Induction at your own expense $11 To express your interest, please send your resumes and a brief description tojobfind_casuarina@jobfindcentre.com.au 


Salary: $20.47 hour

Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Hours: 6am-6pm daily

Number of positions: 40

Source: Employment service provider
Job ID: 2246936066
Last modified: 29 May 2014

How to apply?

To apply, please email Jessica Beech at Jobfind BUNDABERG at jobfind_casuarina@jobfindcentre.com.au.

Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.


2014年5月28日 星期三

HARVEST 2013/2014 -Apple Pickers

Job details

HARVEST 2013/2014 - Pickers



Apple pickers required at orchard in Nathalia area. Own transport and accommodation required. The work is physically demanding and requires lifting and carrying picking bags which can weigh approximately 20kg when full. Ladder work is also required . Sun protection is essential. Payment is in accordance with Section 15 of the Horticulture award 2010. Minimum bin rate is $29.04.


Location: VIC - NATHALIA
Salary: Piecework
Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Number of positions: 18
Source: Employment service provider
Job ID: 2246030380
Last modified: 29 May 2014
How to apply?

To apply, please phone Harvest Office at CVGT Employment and Training Specialist Shepparton on 1300 724788.
Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.

HARVEST 2013/2014 -Apple Pickers

Job details

HARVEST 2013/2014 - Pickers



Apple pickers required at orchard in Nathalia area. Own transport and accommodation required. The work is physically demanding and requires lifting and carrying picking bags which can weigh approximately 20kg when full. Ladder work is also required . Sun protection is essential. Payment is in accordance with Section 15 of the Horticulture award 2010. Minimum bin rate is $29.04.


Location: VIC - NATHALIA
Salary: Piecework

Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Number of positions: 18

Source: Employment service provider
Job ID: 2246030380
Last modified: 29 May 2014


How to apply?

To apply, please phone Harvest Office at CVGT Employment and Training Specialist Shepparton on 1300 724788.

Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.



2014年5月25日 星期日


New South Wales (NSW) (30) http://au.vicdir.com/dir/w142356s30795
Northern Territory (NT) (1) http://au.vicdir.com/dir/w142362s30795



New South Wales (NSW) (30) http://au.vicdir.com/dir/w142356s30795

Northern Territory (NT) (1) http://au.vicdir.com/dir/w142362s30795

Queensland (QLD) (21) http://au.vicdir.com/w142359-queensland-qld/s28578-fruit-vegetables/

South Australia (SA) (18) http://au.vicdir.com/w142360-south-australia-sa/s30795-fruit-vegetable-packing-packs/

Tasmania (TAS) (1) http://au.vicdir.com/w142363-tasmania-tas/s30795-fruit-vegetable-packing-packs/

Victoria (VIC) (34) http://au.vicdir.com/w142357-victoria-vic/s30795-fruit-vegetable-packing-packs/

Western Australia (WA) (10) http://au.vicdir.com/w142358-western-australia-wa/s30795-fruit-vegetable-packing-packs/



2014年5月21日 星期三

Apply INGHAM factory 雞肉工廠應徵方式

How to apply?
首先INGHAM只接受從SEEK http://www.seek.com.au/ 來應徵.到工廠去是沒有的唷!! 收尋Process works 有缺人就會大大的INGHAM 標誌的文章 就點進去吧
等公司打電話過來,會問你一些基本的問題.能不能電話INTERVIEW. 你人在哪裡? 工作安全規範?如何排解壓力?團隊合作是? 都不難回答.
基本上都沒問題你已經可以進入公司了. 有的人有被問你想要什麼時段上班?你講自己想要的.
填銀行資料.稅號...恭喜你你進入INGHAM !!
工廠地址:3798 Mt Lindesay Highway Park Ridge QLD 4125

Apply INGHAM factory 雞肉工廠應徵方式



How to apply?

首先INGHAM只接受從SEEK http://www.seek.com.au/ 來應徵.到工廠去是沒有的唷!! 收尋Process works 有缺人就會大大的INGHAM 標誌的文章 就點進去吧


等公司打電話過來,會問你一些基本的問題.能不能電話INTERVIEW. 你人在哪裡? 工作安全規範?如何排解壓力?團隊合作是? 都不難回答.


基本上都沒問題你已經可以進入公司了. 有的人有被問你想要什麼時段上班?你講自己想要的.


填銀行資料.稅號...恭喜你你進入INGHAM !!


工廠地址:3798 Mt Lindesay Highway Park Ridge QLD 4125


Cherry Jobs information櫻桃工作資訊

在九月十月初澳洲的Cherry準備開始採收,通常是要等.採Cherry大家都說很好賺.但事實是要看農場果實數量而定.版主手腳算蠻快的,自己做三天就知道待的Farm賺不到錢就馬上轉到別的地方!!這也是一直建議為什麼要有車的原因!!還有不要不好意思離開什麼的,記住你不是奴隸!!賺不到錢當然要走!!不過最大的好處就是吃不完的Cherry阿!!在農場工作Cherry是非常容易的,也很好上手. 有興趣的朋友可以試試看. 基本上我介紹三個大產Cherry的地方.NSW TAS VIC .採收時間大概在10月NSW TAS非常接近最後才是VIC 但是現在很多人都提前兩個月以上排隊應徵.  
Hallmarkorchards 這家已經開放申請囉!!有picker.packer!! 快申請吧
cherry more & chrrey ex
The Cherry boys
Blue Hills Berries and Cherries  (有藍莓也有櫻桃)
wandinvalleyfarms (VIC/TAS都有)
Koala Country Orchards 
Topqual (除了Cherry還有其他水果)
J.W Kirkwood pty Ltd(這間是歐洲朋友做過,非常好賺)
地址:133 Brown Mountain Road, Campania , Tasmania
ph. 036260 4463  e-mail: rednight@bigpond.comau
Tas Valley Orchards 
Phone: 03 6295 1922
Email: tvo@bigpond.net.au
Appointment Email: tasvalley@bigpond.com 

reidfruits (據說是在TAS最大間的Cherry公司)

2014年5月20日 星期二

Cherry Jobs information in MEL櫻桃工作資訊

在九月十月初澳洲的Cherry準備開始採收,通常是要等.採Cherry大家都說很好賺.但事實是要看農場果實數量而定.版主手腳算蠻快的,自己做三天就知道待的Farm賺不到錢就馬上轉到別的地方!!這也是一直建議為什麼要有車的原因!!還有不要不好意思離開什麼的,記住你不是奴隸!!賺不到錢當然要走!!不過最大的好處就是吃不完的Cherry阿!!在農場工作Cherry是非常容易的,也很好上手. 有興趣的朋友可以試試看. 基本上我介紹三個大產Cherry的地方.NSW TAS VIC .採收時間大概在10月NSW TAS非常接近最後才是VIC 但是現在很多人都提前兩個月以上排隊應徵.  



The Cherry boys






Blue Hills Berries and Cherries  (有藍莓也有櫻桃)


wandinvalleyfarms (VIC/TAS都有)


Koala Country Orchards 

















Vegetable Pickers jobs in QLD-DALBEG(蔬菜採收5個職缺一小時20.13$ PER HOUR)!!

Job details

Vegetable Pickers



Applications are now being taken for Vegetable pickers to pick vegetables 90 kms S/W of Ayr. Postcode qualifies for second visa extension. Labour experience desirable but not essential as full training will be provided. Must be fit and willing to work as part of a team and follow all directions. Duties include hand picking vegetables and placing on conveyor belt in field. This is a seasonal position available now to 31/10/14. MUST BE READY TO START IMMEDIATELY. Transport desired but not essential. Must be willing to relocate with accommodation available nearby. All applicants please apply online providing your name, where from, jobs in OZ & OS, car/no car, email address and phone number.


Location: QLD - DALBEG
Salary: 20.13 PER HOUR
Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Hours: 30-40 hrs pr wk
Number of positions: 5

How to apply

To apply, please select the Apply online button below.
Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.

Job age and views

This Job was first displayed on 20 May 2014, last updated on 20 May 2014, and has been viewed 117 times. Please note the counter is not updated immediately.
Source: Public Employer
Job ID: 2246340213
Last modified: 20 May 2014

Vegetable Pickers jobs in QLD-DALBEG(蔬菜採收5個職缺一小時20.13$ PER HOUR)!!

Job details

Vegetable Pickers



Applications are now being taken for Vegetable pickers to pick vegetables 90 kms S/W of Ayr. Postcode qualifies for second visa extension. Labour experience desirable but not essential as full training will be provided. Must be fit and willing to work as part of a team and follow all directions. Duties include hand picking vegetables and placing on conveyor belt in field. This is a seasonal position available now to 31/10/14. MUST BE READY TO START IMMEDIATELY. Transport desired but not essential. Must be willing to relocate with accommodation available nearby. All applicants please apply online providing your name, where from, jobs in OZ & OS, car/no car, email address and phone number.


Location: QLD - DALBEG
Salary: 20.13 PER HOUR

Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Hours: 30-40 hrs pr wk

Number of positions: 5

How to apply

To apply, please select the Apply online button below.

Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.

Job age and views

This Job was first displayed on 20 May 2014, last updated on 20 May 2014, and has been viewed 117 times. Please note the counter is not updated immediately.

Source: Public Employer
Job ID: 2246340213
Last modified: 20 May 2014


2014 (Grain Harvest Jobs 450 positions available)稻穀收穫開始應徵拉 450個名額

2014 稻穀收成(Grain Harvest)
薪水非常好的工作!!有450名額 趕快準備應徵吧  

2014 Grain Harvest


We have 450 positions available for the Western Australian 2014 Grain Harvest. Work will be at Grain receival points in the regions around Kwinana and will be expected to commence in September, applications will close 31st of July, 2014. No experience is necessary as training will be provided. Your own Transport is essential and accommodation is available. Positions available include, Receival Point Operators, Grain Samplers and Weighbridge Operators. The physical requirements of this position may include heavy lifting, bending and using machinery or other equipment. For further information or to apply for this position, please contact the National Harvest Labour Information Service on 1800 062 332. Please do not apply via email.


Location: WA - KWINANA
Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Hours: 30+
Number of positions: 450
Source: Public Employer
Job ID: 2245598456
Last modified: 01 May 2014

How to apply

To apply, please see description above.
Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.

1800 062 332 去問應徵方式 會解釋怎麼應徵

2014 (Grain Harvest Jobs 450 positions available) 稻穀收穫開始應徵拉 450個名額

2014 稻穀收成(Grain Harvest)

薪水非常好的工作!!有450名額 趕快準備應徵吧  


2014 Grain Harvest




We have 450 positions available for the Western Australian 2014 Grain Harvest. Work will be at Grain receival points in the regions around Kwinana and will be expected to commence in September, applications will close 31st of July, 2014. No experience is necessary as training will be provided. Your own Transport is essential and accommodation is available. Positions available include, Receival Point Operators, Grain Samplers and Weighbridge Operators. The physical requirements of this position may include heavy lifting, bending and using machinery or other equipment. For further information or to apply for this position, please contact the National Harvest Labour Information Service on 1800 062 332. Please do not apply via email.


Location: WA - KWINANA
Work type: Casual position
Tenancy: Temporary, <6 months
Hours: 30+

Number of positions: 450

Source: Public Employer
Job ID: 2245598456
Last modified: 01 May 2014 

How to apply

To apply, please see description above.

Enquiries from all suitable job seekers welcome.



1800 062 332 去問應徵方式 會解釋怎麼應徵



2014年5月19日 星期一

Australia Jobs information share

Jobs in Melbourne

Select Harvests

C P A Packers 

Address: Harston Rd, Harston, VIC 3616
Goulburn VIC, Greater Shepparton, Shepparton Central North VIC
Tel: (03) 5854 8488 



Working holiday-makers 'exposed to exploitation'(打工度假正在處於被剝削)

(Transcript from World News Radio)
Australia's Working Holiday visa program has grown to attract about a quarter-of-a-million visitors a year.
It's estimated to contribute about three-billion dollars to the Australian economy, through their spending.
But the Fair Work Ombudsman and community organisations are warning a lack of information on labour entitlements and limited English language skills expose working-holiday makers to underpayment and unsafe work conditions.
Marina Freri reports.
(Click on audio tab to listen to this item)
Italian political science graduate Claudia Trave is one of the tens-of-thousands of young foreigners to head for Australia's farming sector as part of her working holiday.
At her first job in the Mildura area of Victoria, though, she was paid only about $3 an hour.
"I worked for one Italian farmer to pick beans. After six hours it was just $20. I saw this and I said to him "I don't come back tomorrow because I'm not slave." I worked cash in hand without contract, so it was very bad."
The Working Holiday visa program allows visitors aged 30 or under to stay and work in Australia for at least 12 months.
When it began in 1975, it was covered in bilateral agreements with Britain, Canada and Ireland.
Now, it involves 29 nations.
Young citizens of these countries are given one-year visas that allow them to work for up to six months for a single employer.
Most agreements also allow a second one-year visa, if the young people agree to carry out specified work in regional farms, fisheries, mines or construction sites.
Last financial year, almost 40,000 took up the second year option, with most working on farms.
Claudia Trave says like many other young people, she was willing to work as a fruit picker.
But she says they have to compete for work with some who are willing to work for extremely low wages.
"Chinese people, they are paid less, than European backpackers, $2.50 each bin (bucket of produce picked). It's a thing that everyone knows. And Chinese backpackers are in different hostels from European backpackers."
The Fair Work Ombudsman says it's received persistent complaints from young foreign workers about under-payment on Australian farms.
Senior Inspector Jenny Crook, who led raids last year on strawberry farms in the Caboolture area of Queensland, says international backpackers are vulnerable.
"The Fair Work Ombudsman is continuing to maintain a close eye on this industry, particularly around Caboolture and in other seasonal harvest areas throughout Australia, because the harvest work does attract a lot of foreign workers. And we see these workers as possibly vulnerable to exploitation or inadvertent underpayment. And this is because they are generally unaware of what they should be receiving or where to turn to for information and advice."
Working Holiday Makers have the same rights as Australian workers, including minimum wages and pay conditions.
For the horticulture sector, that means an hourly rate of about $16 for full-time and part-time adults and $20 for casuals.
If they think they could earn more than at the hourly rate, they can also sign an agreement to be paid per bucket of produce picked.
But Jenny Crook from the Fair Work Ombudsman says cases of inadvertent and deliberate underpayment in the agriculture sector are common.
"Unfortunately in this industry, we do see quite a lot of underpayments. Over the past couple of years the FWO has investigated around 230 complaints in this industry and we recovered about $80,000 for 107 workers. About a third of those were visa holders on a working holiday visa and for those we recovered about $13,500 in respect of 32 workers."
But some community groups, like the Korean Society of Sydney, believe cases of exploitation are under-reported.
The association's general manager, Sherman Kim, says few young South Koreans would consider reporting under-payment.
"Underpay is very popular (sic) in Korean working holiday community. It's case by case, they got a bucket rate of $1-$2 per bucket. Or some people have got a full time job, but they don't have enough payment. If we compare the award (Horticulture Award) is very low."
Sherman Kim stresses that it's not necessarily the fault of Australian farmers when casual workers are under-paid.
He says often the farmers are paying the right amounts, but by the time they get to the workers, they've been diluted through a complex chain of recruiters and contractors.
"The farm owner pays the right amount to the workers, but the farm owner has contractors, contractors have subcontractors and then sub-subcontractors and finally in the pyramid there's the workers, Korean workers. That's why they can't get the money...It's always under (award rates)."
One agency advertising on the Gumtree website aims to attract Asian backpackers as fruit pickers, stating that fluency in Korean, Japanese or Mandarin could be advantageous.
The agency advertises piecework rates starting at $1 a box for pears and casual hourly rates between $14 and $16.
But it seems reluctant to answer questions about the pay rates.
"Q: I'm writing a story about working holiday makers working in Australian farms and I was wondering if you had a couple of minutes for a quick chat..." A: "Ok, yes sure" Q:" Can I ask you what's the main nationality of the people working with your agency?" A: "It varies, there's no main nationality." Q: "I had a look at some of your ads on Gumtree, and some of them offer rates which are below the award" a: "Ok..." q: "I've seen rates of $14, $16 an hour for casual employment and that should be of $20.30...can you tell me why?" a: "I shouldn't be on that..." - hang up noise - Q: Excuse me?"
Charles Armstrong, from the National Farmers' Federation, defends the scheme saying local workers are reluctant to relocate to rural Australia for temporary jobs.
He says Working Holiday makers are yet to fill the national demand for seasonal fruit-pickers.
"The supply of labour becomes so tight that it's more than just filling a local shortage. They are providing a very much needed service. A lot of farmers, a lot of horticulture people in particular having great difficulty in getting pickers these days, particularly Australian pickers."
Mr Armstrong says he doesn't think underpayment in the agriculture sector is widespread, but concedes he finds piece rates as low as $1 per box "surprising".
He blames underpayment on contracting agencies.
"The farmer starts the morning with 15 or 20 backpackers or foreign workers turning up on his doorstep and ready to go picking. And for him to verify all details of those, when he's employed a contractor or middleman to do that it obviously creates a problem. But we at NFF are seriously looking at the necessity for better regulations in terms of contractors."
A backpacker from Germany, Marc Stoiber, says some hostels providing accommodation for Working Holiday Makers act as contractors for employers.
But he says sometimes the payments from seasonal work doesn't cover the accommodation costs.
"We thought when we checked into a hostel that takes $200 every week for accommodation and job, we expect a job where we can earn a little bit more than that. Because five hours of work, (paid) $20 an hour, that's only $100 a week. So we weren't able to even pay our rent."
The owner of one hostel in Queensland, who wishes to remain anonymous, agrees that Working Holiday Makers in the horticulture industry can face difficulty earning enough to pay for their accommodation.
She points out that sometimes, natural events such as heavy rain and floods disrupt harvest times, and limit the amount the young people can earn.
This particular owner claims any of the young people who use her legal hostel do get paid the right amounts when they are able to work - and it's those who are hired from illegal hostels who end up being underpaid.
But one 26-year-old British backpacker told SBS underpaid jobs can also be found through legal hostels.
And she says her hours of work in a large tomato shed, near Bundaberg, were excessive.
"We would often work 14 hours a day 7 days a week. which again, we were up for doing. However as more and more tomatoes were being picked, the manager decided to increase the speed of the machine in order for us to cram as much work into one shift as possible. This caused a few people to have a lot of back pain and a few workers including one of the permanent workers burst into tears on a number of occasions.The manager didn't see us as human beings, we were merely part of the machine to her, while we were running about like headless chickens constantly fearful of losing our jobs for mistakes that we couldn't control. Eventually Coles rejected a full pallet of tomatoes, around 90 boxes. This was a big deal at the time. Our manager had been extremely negligent."
In June 2011, a Queensland company was found guilty of neglect after 24-year-old German backpacker, Jessica Pera, had died on the second day of working on a  tomato field.
The Brisbane Magistrates Court found the company had failed to provide water and sun protection equipment to its workers.
Fiona O'Sullivan is Principal Rural Inspector with Work Health and Safety Queensland.
She says the majority of workplaces inspected recently had good safety measures in place, but basic conditions such as access to drinking water can still be a problem.
"The Work Health and Safety legislation has some very specific requirements for people who have a business or undertaking employed labour. And these requirements include provision of information, instructions and training about a job which is easy for the worker to understand. And that's really one of the breakdowns we do have, because sometimes the people don't understand the English language very well. And also the people providing the information, and the instructions may not be really aware if the Holiday Maker has actually understood the information being provided. Obviously the people who are employing them, must ensure that they are provided with adequate drinking water and access to amenities such as toilets and hand-washing facilities."
Last October, a farming couple on King Island were ordered to pay almost $290,000 in compensation after a British backpacker was left with tetraplegia in a quad bike crash on their property.
Fiona O'Sullivan says other serious incidents she's aware of, involving fruit and vegetable workers, include finger amputations, and chemical exposure.
She encourages anyone who believes their working conditions are unsafe, to report them.
But Irish backpacker Jessica Riley says speaking up is not always easy, especially for those who have English as a second language.
"We are put under extreme situations, where health and safety goes out the window, some people are too afraid to say 'I'm not comfortable riding a quad, I'm not comfortable riding a horse without a helmet'. You just want to stay in the country, you kind of let people treat you the way that they treat you."
Jessica Riley says she went to police, after a farm owner repeatedly verbally abused her.
"And he was just so rude, one day he was putting his bed sheets on his bed and the bed sheets didn't match and he screamed at me: "You stupid f... foreign b..." I'm sorry. "Stupid f... foreign b... I'll never let another foreigner into my house."
Marco Zangari is a social worker with the Italian Australian community organisation, called Co.As.It.
He says adequate support services haven't followed the dramatic growth in the Working Holiday program.
"This thing [WHV], over the years probably got bigger and maybe a bit out of control. Now people are desperate to find a farm in order to do the three months you need to get the second WHV. And because of that, sometimes people tend to take advantage of that."
The Fair Work Ombudsman recently set up a Facebook page to provide information targeted at foreign employees who work in the harvest industry.
The strong advice to all young Working Holiday Makers is to ensure that they're not being forced to work in unsafe conditions - and that they're being paid correctly.